7 Steps for Building a Home

7 Steps for Building a Home_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesYou’ve done it. You’ve made that big decision, the one that’s been lurking in your mind for months.

You’re going to build a house.

Now that you’ve made the decision to build, there are many more decisions to make regarding your future home. As you begin this journey, there may be times when you are overwhelmed by everything you have to do. To help minimize the coming stresses, follow these seven steps to creating a new home.

1. Set goals

Goals are a fantastic way to organize your thoughts and desires for your project. When you set goals, you answer questions about your new home and set the foundation for the rest of the project. To help set your goals, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Where do you want to live?
  • How much will this cost?
  • Does plan A make sense? Do you have a plan B?

2. Make your budget (And stick to it)

Your budget should definitely be included in your goals, but its importance earns it a separate step. At first, you’ll want to have an estimate of what you can afford and how your desired home fits into that. Then, you’ll move onto the smaller details and designs. Your budget should include everything from the cost of the land and taxes to landscaping, decorating, and furniture costs. Always include a margin for unexpected costs. You might not expect to need it, but as any builder can tell you, you probably will.

3. Find your future location

Though you have decided to build, this doesn’t mean you have to build from the ground up. If you find the perfect piece of land with a workable old home, use the old house as a starting place for the new one. Remake it to fit your needs and wants. Or, locate the perfect plot of land and create from scratch. Either will work just fine.

4. Make your team

Hiring professionals for this scope of project is always going to be the best decision. A professional builder, like Integrity Remodeling and Custom Homes, will know what to do and how to do it for the best results. Hired designers, architects, builders, and other professionals will bring a host of helpful contacts and experience to make your project as smooth as it can be.

5. Planning is key

You can never plan too much for a big project like this. Get as detailed as you can and play the “What If” game with every decision you make. This will probably be a long-term home and may be the only home you build, so dream as big as you can. Let budget and design concerns come later and get inspired.

6. Know that things will change…and accept the inevitable

No matter how well you plan, things are going to go wrong. Your team should be able to help you through these road bumps, but it’s important to handle the stress well. Just stay calm, keep laughing, and trust in the people you hired. Don’t pay attention to any grumblings you hear from the construction crew — people complain all the time and it usually doesn’t mean anything. Most importantly, don’t change your mind. Nothing will upset a project more than last-minute changes. Make your decisions and stick with them.

7. Enjoy it

Building a home is a unique and special occurrence. Savor every step and then take the time to enjoy your new home. Don’t sweat the small bumps you experienced or the things that didn’t go as planned. Sit back and breathe it in.

Have you built a home? What advice would you give?

Finding the Right Kitchen Size

Finding the Right Kitchen Size_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesYou may have loved your kitchen when you moved into your home or you may have despised it from the first time you saw it. Either way, you’ve fallen out of love with your kitchen and it’s time for something new.

As you plan your new kitchen, it’s important to think about how much kitchen you need. You may want to knock down a few walls and double the current size, but is an extravagant kitchen really what your home needs? Read through these tips to select the right size for your new kitchen.

1. Price it right

A massive, $70,000 kitchen will certainly turn the neighbors green, but does it fit with your house and neighborhood? If you live in a $100,000 neighborhood, your remodel is not going to pay off in the end. If your remodel is cost-effective, but too big or too small for your home, it will likely discourage any potential buyers if you decide to sell. Choose a look that matches your home and neighborhood.

2. Don’t over-personalize

Adding personal touches, such as your favorite colors or wacky wallpaper, may be fun at first, but it can cost you when you sell. Buyers like houses they can see themselves in and your hot pink paint and zebra wallpaper can ruin this image. Choose a neutral decor you can enjoy without making it too personal.

3. Think of the future

Do you plan on moving in the next 5-15 years? The extent of your remodel should reflect your future plans. If you are going to move in the near future, avoid a complete overhaul and stick with a surface-level remodel. You don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on an extensive project only to move shortly after it’s completed.

4. Consider the rest of the home

How out-of-date is the rest of your home? It’s important to evaluate the relationship your kitchen has with the other rooms in the house. After all, you don’t want to put a brand new kitchen in an old, faded home. Instead, consider putting your efforts into refreshing the entire home.

5. Budget well

As much as you might want an expensive fridge or high-end oven, consider the effect such a purchase will have on the rest of the project. Instead of using the majority of your budget on one item, use it to update all of your kitchen with less expensive updates. Simplicity is often the best option. Balance what you need and what you want and look at the overall picture before making your purchases.

6. Be practical

As you plan your project, consider the practicality of each decision. Are your appliances in the ideal locations? Do you have enough counter space for your needs? An island is nice, but does it take up too much room? Consider every angle and enjoy a smoother project for it.

Do you have any questions about remodeling your kitchen?

6 Reasons to Retire to a Tiny House

6 Reasons to Retire to a Tiny HouseWith retirement, many seniors move to smaller homes with fewer costs and less upkeep. The surge of tiny house popularity has proven to appeal to many downsizing seniors. In fact, according to Senior Planet, 40 percent of tiny house owners are 50 or over.

Whether you are looking for yourself or for your parents, understanding the benefits of retiring to a tiny house is important. We’ve outlined 6 main benefits for a tiny life retirement below, so keep reading for more info!

1. No mortgage

Mortgages are one of the greatest drains on a retirement fund. According to Senior Planet, 63 percent of senior tiny house owners have no mortgages. When moving to a tiny house, many seniors pay $40,000 to $80,000 for their new homes, which includes any renovations made for easier living. Retirees who want to work part time will be able to enjoy a lifestyle that matches their income.

2. Travel

Some tiny houses are built on foundations, but many are built on trailers for greater mobility. Too much travel can cause wear and tear to your home and generate high costs in fuel, but occasional moves are always a possibility. Visit national parks or the ocean. Spend a few months with each of your children or with an ailing friend or relative. Take advantage of this time to explore and experience the world.

3. Simplify

The average tiny house is around 260 sq. ft., which is 10 percent of the size of an average American home. With less space comes less to clean and maintain, but also less space for storage. Learn to live with only what you need and treasure. A smaller space and fewer appliances require less time and money to maintain. Enjoy the time you would have spent cleaning or repairing and gain a new appreciation for the simple life.

4. Lower utility costs

A home one-tenth the size of an average home will only use about one-tenth the amount of energy to heat, cool, and light. You can save water that would have gone toward watering the lawn. Enjoy a more manageable monthly budget and use fewer resources.

5. Join a community

Senior Planet found that people who share their tiny house with a partner have more “open communication, understanding, and patience.” Along with better relationships with partners, tiny house owners join a community of like-minded people who can share experiences and advice. Enjoy a community of retirees who have the same mindset and goals.

6. Build to your needs

Many retirees renovate their homes to better fit their needs as they get older. With a tiny house, seniors can customize their homes to best fit their needs, lifestyle, and wants. Tiny houses have less strict building codes than larger homes, which gives more creative freedom to owners. Use this freedom to build the home you’ve always wanted — on a smaller scale.

Would you retire to a tiny house? Tell us why in the comments!

Top Benefits of Using a High-Efficiency HVAC System

Top Benefits of Using a High-Efficiency HVAC SystemAs mentioned in a previous blog post, we are green builders because of the building methods, materials, and products we use. We strive to create homes that will continue to save energy after completion. One way we accomplish that is through the heating and cooling systems we install in our homes.

Over half a home’s energy goes toward heating and cooling, so your HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system will have an effect on your wallet and the environment. When replacing or installing a new system, we choose high-efficiency HVAC systems because of their superior performance.

For seven of the top benefits provided by high-efficiency HVAC systems, read our list below.

1. Financial savings

Many older systems operate on a low efficiency, usually around 65% of your system’s annual fuel usage efficiency. With a high-efficiency system, you can save thousands of dollars in energy usage every year. Most of the new systems have a fuel usage efficiency of over 90% per year. With your financial savings, your new system can pay for itself in only a few years.

2. Greater comfort

High-efficiency HVAC systems usually come with programmable thermostat systems, which allow you to control the temperatures in specific areas of your home. New technology produces superior heating and air flow, as well as better humidity control. Maintain the temperatures you desire, whether you’re at home or away. Use your pre-programmable thermostat to save energy and heat/cool your home based on your schedule.

3. Peace and quiet

Unlike your older system, you’ll be hard-pressed to hear when your high-efficiency HVAC system kicks on. The high-tech materials in the new systems absorb operating noise and prevent the loud rumbles you’re used to.

4. Increased health

Your HVAC system treats your air to remove contaminates, such as fungi, mold, dust particles, and bacteria. With a high-efficiency system, you’ll have less allergy and asthma issues, less mold and mildew-caused illnesses, and better respiratory health.

5. Longer operating life

When properly maintained, high-efficiency HVAC systems typically require fewer large repairs. These systems minimize on-and-off cycling, which allows them to last longer than older, low-efficiency systems.

6. Environmental impact

These newer systems use one-third less fuel and save more energy than older models. This saves you money, but also creates less waste and conserves more natural resources.

7. Increased resale value

When your home has a new, high-efficiency HVAC system, it will be more attractive to potential buyers. New homeowners will have the guarantee of a high-performing system that won’t need replacing for several years, as well as cost and energy savings. These systems can raise the value of your home and possibly help it sell faster.

Do you have a high-efficiency HVAC system in your home? How has it worked for you?

Designing the Perfect Laundry Room

Designing the Perfect Laundry Room_Integrity Remodeling & Custom HomesAlthough we tend to spend hours washing clothes every week, our laundry rooms often fall to the wayside when designing or remodeling. Tucked into empty corners or banished to the basement or garage, laundry rooms are usually designed for space instead of use.

There is no standard design for a laundry room, but you can get the most out of yours by asking yourself these easy questions.

1. What is your goal?

Are you planning to remodel your laundry room in its current space or are you going to move it to another part of your house? If you’re just planning to buy new appliances, repaint, and rearrange, your project will be relatively easy. If you want to restructure and change your room’s layout, there’s more to consider. Carefully evaluate the changes you want and the timing of your project. Ask for expert help to get the most out of your remodel for the lowest cost.

2. What will you use your laundry room for?

Depending on location and space, your laundry room can serve as a mudroom, storage space, dog washroom, and more. However you’re changing your laundry room, you want to make sure it will fit your needs. Save space for a hanging area, for your appliances, and for room to store clothes. More room is better than less.

3. How do you do laundry?

For some, laundry rooms are only used for washers and dryers. Dirty clothes are stored in other rooms and clean clothes are dumped on beds or sofas for folding. Others keep the entire process in the laundry room. Hampers, folding counters, drying stations, and ironing boards are kept and used in the same space. Your method will dictate the design of your laundry room. Are you in there enough to want a window? How do you want to position your appliances? Think carefully through all of your needs.

4. Do you want additional features?

Your laundry room can be as simple or fancy as you want. Do you want a sink for soaking/hand washing? Should you put a drain in the floor? Do you want a countertop for folding or do you want to splurge on an island? Adding a dog-washing station is a recent trend, but it might not fit your design or budget. Decide on your essentials and then see how much space and funding you have left for special features.

Do you have any tips for designing a laundry room? Share in the comments!

Tiny Houses: A Fad or More?

Tiny Houses: A Fad or More?_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesTiny houses are gaining popularity, but is there anything behind the fad?

Tiny Living is a social movement for those who want to downsize and simplify their lives and homes. Many tiny house owners come from an average American house, which is usually around 2,600 square feet, and move into a home that is between 100 and 400 square feet — a huge downsize!

Why are people making this drastic move? Some do it for financial reasons, some for environmental awareness, and others for the simplistic lifestyle. Though each tiny house owner makes the change for his or her own reasons, here are seven themes that run through most of their moves.

  1. Save Money

It’s no surprise that tiny houses cost less than their larger counterparts, but the amount of savings can be stunning. The average cost of a standard-sized house is $272,000, and that’s without interest. The average tiny house costs $23,000, if built by the owner, and 68% of tiny house owners have no mortgage. Once your home is built, tiny houses have far less maintenance costs and you’ll pay much less to heat or cool it. Plus, your property costs will be much lower than anyone you know.

  1. Live Greener

When your house is the size of an average 2-car garage, its impact on the environment is going to be less than the average home. Tiny houses use less resources, consume less energy, and take up less space – all of which are great for the environment.

  1. Save Time

If you totaled the amount of time it takes for you to maintain your home, you’d probably be surprised at how much you invest. With a tiny house, chores go faster and your Honey-Do List is much shorter, leaving more time for you to enjoy living.

  1. Avoid Materialism

Blank walls and empty rooms are never a good look, Unfortunately, that means that we tend to fill our homes with things we don’t need. Tiny houses allow owners to live with the bare minimum and remove themselves from the materialism we so easily fall prey to. Let Tiny Living show just how much you don’t need.

  1. Go Mobile

Many tiny houses are built on trailers or with the means to easily change locations. Visit the sights you’ve always wanted to see or travel to see family. Enjoy the amenities of a traditional home without being tied to one place.

  1. Design Your Space

Have you ever wanted to design your own home, but couldn’t afford the cost of building? Now you can! Test your creativity with your home’s design and be amazed by the clever solutions your tiny house builder will find. Most tiny houses come under the minimum size requirements for building codes, so you’ll be free to build without anyone telling you how it should be. Make the most of your space and create a home you’re eager to show off.

  1. Connect with Loved Ones

One of the greatest assets (and drawbacks, occasionally) of a tiny house is all the time you will be sending with your loved ones. Without separate rooms to escape to, you will be spending all of your home time with your family. Use this as an opportunity to build communication and camaraderie within your family and spend the time you have together instead of apart.

Which of these reasons is most appealing to you?

For more information about our Tiny Houses, contact us at (407) 625-8286.

Your Spring Checklist

Spring_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesHappy Spring! You might have missed the change of seasons on March 20, but winter has officially been left behind. Hooray!

Unfortunately for Floridians, spring and fall are often overcome by the more dominant seasons of summer and winter. Other than an influx of pollen, the signs of spring are somewhat lacking in the Sunshine State.

But this doesn’t mean that we can’t bring spring into our homes! Here are some ways you can make the “Season of New Beginnings” an occasion to be celebrated!

1. Clean your gutters

As summer rains approach, now is a great time to clean out your gutters and repair any that might be damaged. You can accomplish this task with some time and a ladder, or you can hire a handyman to take care of it for you.

2. Take care of your yard

Spring is the perfect time to give your lawn and landscaping a little TLC. Reseed or add sod to your yard if it needs replacing. Remove any flowers, shrubs, or plants that died or shriveled during the winter and replace them with fresh, pleasant-smelling plants. If you have the space, consider planting a garden. Add potted plants to your patio. Give your yard new life and a breath of fresh air.

3. Inspect your home’s exterior

Our homes can incur damage without our knowledge, so this is an ideal time to give your home a check-up. Pay careful attention to your roof and call an inspector if you think it’s time for a new roof. Use a pressure washer to clean your sidings, driveway, and sidewalks. Clean the inside and outside of your windows for an extra sparkle. Upgrade any outdoor lights that need changing or fixing.

Outdoor Space_Integrity Remodeling and Custom Homes4. Add an outdoor space

An outdoor space project can be as simple as adding a porch swing or rocking chairs to your porch or patio. If you want something bigger or more permanent, try closing in your porch to create a sunroom. Or, build a gazebo or patio with an outdoor cooking space for dinner parties and barbeques. Whatever you choose, make it comfortable and make it your own.

How do you ready your home for spring?

For advice and information on building outdoor living spaces, call Integrity Remodeling & Custom Homes at (407) 625-8286.

Flooring for Your Lifestyle

Flooring for Your Lifestyle_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesFlooring is one of the most important decisions in the design process. Unlike most decisions, such as paint color and cabinet material, flooring can affect more than just your home’s appearance. As you design your new built or remodeled home, keep these questions in mind regarding flooring:

  1. What will the room(s) be used for? Play, entertainment, study, etc.?
  2. Do you have pets?
  3. How many children use the space and how often?
  4. Will your family eat or drink in this room?
  5. Is there an outside entrance to the room?
  6. Is moisture present in the space (basement, bathroom, etc.)?

Your answers will vary and you’ll have multiple options no matter what your lifestyle entails, so consult with your contractor before choosing. Their experience will help you choose the right option.

For a head start on understanding your options, read through our list of popular flooring types:


Carpet has more styles, colors, and textures than any other type of flooring. Carpet durability is usually measured by the density of the fibers used to make it — the more fibers, the more durable. Most carpeting is made from wool or synthetic materials — including nylon, acrylic, polyester, or polypropylene — and each has different properties, so consult with an expert before choosing.


Laminate floors are low-maintenance, easy to install, and can mimic most other flooring types, which can get you the look you want without the cost or maintenance. This flooring uses a plastic-coated picture of your desired flooring, backed with layers of plywood or a compressed fiber backing for stability.


Hardwood floors are both beautiful and durable, which makes them a top choice for many homeowners. Options usually include domestic, regional, or exotic wood types and some are more expensive and difficult to find than others. Unlike some flooring options, hardwood can be refinished several times over its lifespan, so this flooring can last longer than others.

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tile is made of a baked and hardened mixture of shale and clay and comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. The four basic types include glazed, quarry, porcelain, and terracotta.

There are many more flooring options, so research carefully to choose the best one for your lifestyle. To get started, contact Integrity Remodeling & Custom Homes at 407-625-8286 or integrityremodeling@me.com.

Good Design: Key To Any Bathroom Remodel

Bathroom Remodel: AfterThe bathroom is one of the two most popular areas of the home to be remodeled by  homeowners. It goes without saying that bathrooms, as well as kitchens, provide a high return for the investment. According to Remodeling Magazine, Cost vs. Value Report (2007), the average cost for a bathroom remodel in our area is about $14,445.00 for a mid-range project and $46,988.00 for an upscale project. The mid-range project will yield nearly an 80% return, while an upscale project will yield a 70% return on the investment. Although the returns are impressive numbers, this is not the motivation of homeowners desiring a bathroom remodel. The most popular reasons among homeowners to remodel their bathrooms are because the area is in need of maintenance, the desire to create more comfort and useable space, and the desire to use updated products and give the room a “facelift.”

So, where should you begin? A great place to start is the design. Your bathroom should be designed to meet your specific needs and desires. With our hectic and demanding lifestyles, the bathroom may have become a place for you to retreat to. This is one place in our home where we can be alone, so it is sensible to consider transforming this room into a soothing, rejuvenating, and practical place to offer some pleasure to your busy life.

We encounter beautiful bathrooms in magazines and on television; but what about the function of the bathroom? Think about the time you spend in your bathroom, and the way that you use it. Do you have adequate space? Do you utilize a bathtub or just a shower most of the time? Do you have enough cabinetry and counter space? The answers to these questions should be considered when contemplating the design. You can have both beauty and functionality all in one.

An important consideration that is often overlooked by designers and homeowners is an Aging-in-Place design.  If this is your first acquaintance with the term, I’m referring to the idea of designing your bathroom, (or any room), so it can meet your needs as you age in your home.  Most of us live independently now; but, normal age-related changes will occur as we age, which will possibly lead to difficulties in interacting with one’s home. These changes may include:

  • Failing vision
  • Osteoporosis
  • Decreased strength or balance
  • Decreased mobility

These are a few of the physical changes many of us will be faced with as we age. This is reality, and it is important to design your bathroom with such challenges in mind whether it is for today or for the future. It makes good sense to design a bathroom that can easily adapt to your specific needs as they arise.
To wait until the need arises will be costly and
most likely very inconvenient. For example, I built a new home for a couple several years ago that were in their mid 50’s at the time. Unaware of some physical challenges that they would be faced with, the bathroom design for their home was a design like many that you would expect to see in a traditional family home. They didn’t take aging into consideration at the time. After a few years had passed, they contacted me to remodel their master bath. The husband had both knees replaced and the wife recently had shoulder surgery. They needed a bathroom that they could function in better, and negotiate safely.
So, whether you are approaching the age of dealing with physical
challenges or not, all of us can benefit from easy living and good functional design. This is not an age discriminating idea. Some of the features to consider are:

  • Applying ¾ “ plywood backing on all walls surrounding the shower, bath, water closet, and adjoining walls areas. This allows for the placement of grab bars at various heights and locations.
  • Incorporating a bench in the shower.
  • Zero threshold (curbless) showers to allow for easy entering and exiting.
  • Varied countertops and cabinets to easily match the individual height of each person.
  • Taller toilets.
  • Easy access to the toilet. (I often find a toilet that is crammed into a little closet with a door that is smaller than 32”)
  • 36” swinging doors at the entrance, or a 32” pocket door for easier navigating.
  • Slip resistant flooring.
  • Lights in the shower.
  • Shower controls located for easy access without having to enter into the shower first.
  • Adjustable handheld showerheads for ease of use and cleaning.
  • Plenty of lighting.

It has been my experience that many homeowners focus their efforts on the styles, colors, and other finishes when it comes to remodeling their bathroom, and the practicality and functionally often gets overlooked. It is paying attention to the smallest of the design details that will have a huge impact on how much you enjoy your bathroom. A good bathroom remodel starts with a good design that is going to offer you value in a variety of ways both today and tomorrow.

To get started on your bathroom remodel, contact us at (407) 625-8286 or integrityremodeling@me.com.

4 Things to Consider Before Remodeling Your Kitchen

Design_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesYour kitchen is one of the most important rooms of your house. It’s where you cook your food, entertain your guests, and have those important late night chats over cocoa and cookies. When you decide to remodel your kitchen, you want it to be perfect — somewhere you can enjoy, use, and proudly show off.

Kitchen remodels tend to be some of the most complicated projects you will complete in your house, but they can be worth the stress when done right.

As you prepare to remodel your kitchen — whether it’s in-progress, planned, or dreamed —  here are the five things to think about before you begin.

1. Think about what you want

The first part to planning any remodel is to think about what you want from your kitchen. Do you want to add an island? How about one of those nifty potfiller faucets? Think about your appliances, counters, cabinets, and flooring. Consider the color of the walls. Look at the layout of your kitchen and decide if you want to keep it or change it. Design your dream kitchen and see how it can work in your home.

2. Think about what you need

Now that you’ve spent some time in dreamland, it’s time to come back to earth. Your dream kitchen may not be what you need or can afford. Instead of scrapping your design, adjust it. Do you really need a commercial stove, double-oven or convection? Do you want to put all of your budget into the design when you desperately need new appliances? Take the time to make your plan more practical.

3. Think about the logistics

Once you have an idea of what you want, it’s time to make it happen. Create a budget and stick to it. Research and make a plan. Find professionals who know what they are doing and will work with you to stick with your budget. Lean on their experience and wisdom as you move into the project.

4. Think about life during the remodel

Face it. You don’t know how to function with your morning coffee and you’re not sure you’ll survive the remodel. The good news is that you won’t have to go without your kitchen essentials if you plan well before the project begins. Have a kitchen stand-in ready before your remodel starts and use it for making school lunches and cooking your meals. You won’t want to eat take-out for the whole project. Make sure to keep out your cooking essentials and store the rest. You won’t need them. Stock up on non-perishable and disposable foods and take it one day at a time. Or, go on vacation. That might be easier.

Are you planning a kitchen remodel? What are you most excited about?