6 Reasons to Retire to a Tiny House

6 Reasons to Retire to a Tiny HouseWith retirement, many seniors move to smaller homes with fewer costs and less upkeep. The surge of tiny house popularity has proven to appeal to many downsizing seniors. In fact, according to Senior Planet, 40 percent of tiny house owners are 50 or over.

Whether you are looking for yourself or for your parents, understanding the benefits of retiring to a tiny house is important. We’ve outlined 6 main benefits for a tiny life retirement below, so keep reading for more info!

1. No mortgage

Mortgages are one of the greatest drains on a retirement fund. According to Senior Planet, 63 percent of senior tiny house owners have no mortgages. When moving to a tiny house, many seniors pay $40,000 to $80,000 for their new homes, which includes any renovations made for easier living. Retirees who want to work part time will be able to enjoy a lifestyle that matches their income.

2. Travel

Some tiny houses are built on foundations, but many are built on trailers for greater mobility. Too much travel can cause wear and tear to your home and generate high costs in fuel, but occasional moves are always a possibility. Visit national parks or the ocean. Spend a few months with each of your children or with an ailing friend or relative. Take advantage of this time to explore and experience the world.

3. Simplify

The average tiny house is around 260 sq. ft., which is 10 percent of the size of an average American home. With less space comes less to clean and maintain, but also less space for storage. Learn to live with only what you need and treasure. A smaller space and fewer appliances require less time and money to maintain. Enjoy the time you would have spent cleaning or repairing and gain a new appreciation for the simple life.

4. Lower utility costs

A home one-tenth the size of an average home will only use about one-tenth the amount of energy to heat, cool, and light. You can save water that would have gone toward watering the lawn. Enjoy a more manageable monthly budget and use fewer resources.

5. Join a community

Senior Planet found that people who share their tiny house with a partner have more “open communication, understanding, and patience.” Along with better relationships with partners, tiny house owners join a community of like-minded people who can share experiences and advice. Enjoy a community of retirees who have the same mindset and goals.

6. Build to your needs

Many retirees renovate their homes to better fit their needs as they get older. With a tiny house, seniors can customize their homes to best fit their needs, lifestyle, and wants. Tiny houses have less strict building codes than larger homes, which gives more creative freedom to owners. Use this freedom to build the home you’ve always wanted — on a smaller scale.

Would you retire to a tiny house? Tell us why in the comments!

Tiny Houses: A Fad or More?

Tiny Houses: A Fad or More?_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesTiny houses are gaining popularity, but is there anything behind the fad?

Tiny Living is a social movement for those who want to downsize and simplify their lives and homes. Many tiny house owners come from an average American house, which is usually around 2,600 square feet, and move into a home that is between 100 and 400 square feet — a huge downsize!

Why are people making this drastic move? Some do it for financial reasons, some for environmental awareness, and others for the simplistic lifestyle. Though each tiny house owner makes the change for his or her own reasons, here are seven themes that run through most of their moves.

  1. Save Money

It’s no surprise that tiny houses cost less than their larger counterparts, but the amount of savings can be stunning. The average cost of a standard-sized house is $272,000, and that’s without interest. The average tiny house costs $23,000, if built by the owner, and 68% of tiny house owners have no mortgage. Once your home is built, tiny houses have far less maintenance costs and you’ll pay much less to heat or cool it. Plus, your property costs will be much lower than anyone you know.

  1. Live Greener

When your house is the size of an average 2-car garage, its impact on the environment is going to be less than the average home. Tiny houses use less resources, consume less energy, and take up less space – all of which are great for the environment.

  1. Save Time

If you totaled the amount of time it takes for you to maintain your home, you’d probably be surprised at how much you invest. With a tiny house, chores go faster and your Honey-Do List is much shorter, leaving more time for you to enjoy living.

  1. Avoid Materialism

Blank walls and empty rooms are never a good look, Unfortunately, that means that we tend to fill our homes with things we don’t need. Tiny houses allow owners to live with the bare minimum and remove themselves from the materialism we so easily fall prey to. Let Tiny Living show just how much you don’t need.

  1. Go Mobile

Many tiny houses are built on trailers or with the means to easily change locations. Visit the sights you’ve always wanted to see or travel to see family. Enjoy the amenities of a traditional home without being tied to one place.

  1. Design Your Space

Have you ever wanted to design your own home, but couldn’t afford the cost of building? Now you can! Test your creativity with your home’s design and be amazed by the clever solutions your tiny house builder will find. Most tiny houses come under the minimum size requirements for building codes, so you’ll be free to build without anyone telling you how it should be. Make the most of your space and create a home you’re eager to show off.

  1. Connect with Loved Ones

One of the greatest assets (and drawbacks, occasionally) of a tiny house is all the time you will be sending with your loved ones. Without separate rooms to escape to, you will be spending all of your home time with your family. Use this as an opportunity to build communication and camaraderie within your family and spend the time you have together instead of apart.

Which of these reasons is most appealing to you?

For more information about our Tiny Houses, contact us at (407) 625-8286.