Finding the Right Kitchen Size

Finding the Right Kitchen Size_Integrity Remodeling and Custom HomesYou may have loved your kitchen when you moved into your home or you may have despised it from the first time you saw it. Either way, you’ve fallen out of love with your kitchen and it’s time for something new.

As you plan your new kitchen, it’s important to think about how much kitchen you need. You may want to knock down a few walls and double the current size, but is an extravagant kitchen really what your home needs? Read through these tips to select the right size for your new kitchen.

1. Price it right

A massive, $70,000 kitchen will certainly turn the neighbors green, but does it fit with your house and neighborhood? If you live in a $100,000 neighborhood, your remodel is not going to pay off in the end. If your remodel is cost-effective, but too big or too small for your home, it will likely discourage any potential buyers if you decide to sell. Choose a look that matches your home and neighborhood.

2. Don’t over-personalize

Adding personal touches, such as your favorite colors or wacky wallpaper, may be fun at first, but it can cost you when you sell. Buyers like houses they can see themselves in and your hot pink paint and zebra wallpaper can ruin this image. Choose a neutral decor you can enjoy without making it too personal.

3. Think of the future

Do you plan on moving in the next 5-15 years? The extent of your remodel should reflect your future plans. If you are going to move in the near future, avoid a complete overhaul and stick with a surface-level remodel. You don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on an extensive project only to move shortly after it’s completed.

4. Consider the rest of the home

How out-of-date is the rest of your home? It’s important to evaluate the relationship your kitchen has with the other rooms in the house. After all, you don’t want to put a brand new kitchen in an old, faded home. Instead, consider putting your efforts into refreshing the entire home.

5. Budget well

As much as you might want an expensive fridge or high-end oven, consider the effect such a purchase will have on the rest of the project. Instead of using the majority of your budget on one item, use it to update all of your kitchen with less expensive updates. Simplicity is often the best option. Balance what you need and what you want and look at the overall picture before making your purchases.

6. Be practical

As you plan your project, consider the practicality of each decision. Are your appliances in the ideal locations? Do you have enough counter space for your needs? An island is nice, but does it take up too much room? Consider every angle and enjoy a smoother project for it.

Do you have any questions about remodeling your kitchen?

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